Thursday, August 12, 2010

55-Tough guy

You won't sleep for 15days,
If he punch you on your face,
You won't stand straight up again,
If he punch and thunder your backbone.
You will sleep in eternal peace,
If he punch beneath your chest.

Yet he cried one full night,
The day his wife left,
Taking with her the two small kids...

This weekly meme is brought to you by G-Man, over at Mr. Know it All. The object is to write a story or prose in exactly 55 words.


  1. Lovely 55...the pic is quite literal though.

    Mine is up too.

    Nice blog you have too...will be back for a visit.

  2. Wow...very powerful my friend. I love this. The picture goes with this soo well. Valuable lesson to learn :) Have a great Friday :)

  3. perhaps he should have been fighting more for his family then...hmm...nice 55.

  4. Sometimes the hardest hits are with words and not fists. Nice 55. :)

  5. I dealt with this for too long and you capture it very well. Nicely done

    Mine is up here

  6. Thought I would clarify, worked with others not myself!

  7. autsch...wouldn't want to fight with him - but the strongest men will get weak when it comes to their families - and i think that's good

  8. You've done the place up! Double ouch. To hear or read my non-PC illustrated Friday 55 click here. Warning you may have to read the footnote after to make sense of it!

  9. A very powerful 55. Lots of lessons in there.

  10. Hey!!!!
    This was really really good!
    Powerful and 'hard hitting'..hehehe
    Loved your 55!
    What a great job!
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

  11. Great 55! I never saw that last bit coming. Bet he didn't either.

  12. Great use of vocabulary and tone to get across a clear message. Well done.

  13. Well, that is, indeed, the biggest blow of all
    and it looks like he's got a lot of thinking to do. Excellent 55.

  14. Holy cow. This floored me.

    I can't imagine not sleeping for 15 days tho, that's gotta be bad.

    And that's one HELL of an edema he's got! (I just learned the word edema last night, and am amazed I got to use it so soon!


  15. Sticks and stones eh? Words can often do the most damage...

  16. Aww... Mind can really take over brawn many a time! And if it's a heartbreak...phew...need I even mention anything further?
    A lovely and poignant 55...
    Have a great weekend!
